Friday, August 12, 2011

Five Stages of Cloud Acceptance

Denial: We'll never put anything in the cloud because of security/reliability/performance/etc.

Anger: You already put WHAT in the cloud? How are we going to do backups/switch providers/manage identity/etc.???

Bargaining: OK, we'll move X into the cloud if/when the cloud becomes secure/reliable/etc.

Depression: The CFO/CEO/etc. wants us to start using cloud to save money/reduce costs/expand functionality. We can't use the cloud. What about my job running the data center? What about our bandwidth? What about PCI DSS/HIPAA/GLBA?

Acceptance: It works, I can do more to enable my company's business, and reduce capital expenditures. Let's put everything into the cloud!

Seriously, I have had some of these reactions myself. I hear some of these reactions from people when we talk about using cloud services and realize there truly is a road to acceptance for many people.

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